Former German transport minister Scheuer leaves Bundestag early

Former German transport minister Andreas Scheuer resigned his seat in Germany’s lower house of parliament, or Bundestag, effective Monday – a year before his term is set to expire.

He thanked his supporters. “It has been an honour to work for our country and for my homeland,” he said in comments made on Monday.

The Bundestag confirmed the move. Scheuer, a member of the Bavarian conservative Christian Social Union (CSU) party, said in January that he would not run again in the next general election.

The CSU politician is known for his failed attempt, as transport minister, at pushing through motorway tolls. He had served as minister from 2018-21 in former chancellor Angela Merkel‘s fourth Cabinet.

Scheuer was heavily criticized for the failed car toll, and many in the CSU viewed him as negatively affecting the party.

According to dpa information, there was scepticism in the CSU district association in Lower Bavaria about Scheuer running again.

Scheuer, 49, has been a member of the Bundestag since 2002 and represented the Passau constituency.

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