Gallup: Illegal Immigration #1 Issue for Americans for Third Consecutive Month

On Tuesday, the folks at Gallup released a survey in which Americans ranked immigration as the most important issue for the third consecutive month. What’s not stated, but is almost certainly the case, is that it’s not immigration per se that concerns Americans, but rather illegal immigration.


An April 1-22 Gallup survey found that 27% of Americans ranked immigration as the most important problem facing the U.S. 

Immigration topped Gallup’s open-ended trend for a third consecutive month. It marked the longest consecutive stretch for the immigration issue in the past 24 years. 

In December 2023, immigration tied with the government as the most important issue for Americans. That was the same month migrant encounters at the southern border hit a record 302,000

Immigration then surpassed the government as the most important issue for Gallup respondents in February – the same month a controversial bi-partisan border and foreign aid package tanked in the Senate

Here’s the thing: There’s a huge difference between Republicans and Democrats on where they place this issue.

The most recent poll found 48% of Republicans and 25% of Independents mentioned immigration as the most important problem, compared to just 8% of Democrats.

It’s not surprising that this is the case; since Joe Biden took office in 2021, the number of people entering the country illegally has exploded; estimates range from three to seven million. The Biden administration has been facilitating these illegal entries, flying the illegals around the country, many to sanctuary cities that are being overwhelmed by the influx.


See Related: NEW: DHS Docs Show Top Cities Biden Admin Flew Migrants Under Controversial Program, 80% to Single State

Many of the immigrants have come here with minimal or no screening, which isn’t yielding the best results. As I’ve been saying all along: We don’t know who many of these people are, where they came from, where they intend to go, or what they intend to do when they get there.

Which brings us to this fall’s election.

The advantages in this situation almost all pertain to Trump. Oh, some squishy sanctuary-city advocates are actually in favor of the influx, and yes, only 8 percent of Democrats think this is the most important issue. But, while (according to this Gallup survey) only 25 percent of independents list this as their #1 issue, there are likely more whose vote will swing on that in combination with the moribund economy. And it’s these independents that Trump needs to gain his second term; there are signs that this is working.

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Former President Trump is already making this a key campaign point.

Donald Trump says he’d use the National Guard as part of efforts to deport millions of migrants across the country if he’s reelected, signaling that he’s doubling down on anti-immigration rhetoric that fueled his previous rise to power.

Trump’s comments came during a lengthy in-person and telephone interview with Time magazine earlier this month. The accompanying story was published online on Tuesday. 


Note that Trump’s statements are not “anti-immigration.” His stance is and always has been anti-illegal immigration.

We’re talking millions of people here. Low-end estimates are still over ten million. Illegal entries have spiked since January of 2021. Mass deportations, while a majority of Americans support such a move, will be an enormous logistical undertaking. But enormous or not, it’s a task that has to be undertaken if our laws are going to continue to mean anything. This is not, after all, a matter of policy; it’s a matter of the rule of law.

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